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I'm Determined to Finish By Dec 31st, 2018!

I thought carefully about what my New Year's resolution would be, and my answer came just a week ago when I was the gamemaster for an Edge of the Empire session.

They were all sitting there and looking at me, expectantly. I was hastily flipping through my notes, trying to figure out what I was going to say. The paragraphs in the adventure looked like thick black puddles on the white wastleland-like page, and my notes were skeletal outlines that had become filled out to the edge of the margin like a snake after too big a meal.

I just made something up, and my players had some fun. But it seemed pretty unnecessary that I had to stress over some notes when I should've been enjoying time with my friends. Part of the solution is for me to get more experience as a gamemaster, and the other part, I have decided, is for me to write an adventure where a gamemaster, without more than 3 minutes of editing, can look down at the page, even when they're anxious, and immediately find the information they need. NPC stats, plot points, ideas to spice up a slow game, tips for running certain aspects better, loot, player character stats-- anything they need. I will be using the Open Legend system since it's open source.

I'm posting this on a blog for 3 reasons: (1) I need to be accountable for finishing this project, (2) I think it'll be fun, and (3) I want to be in a space where we're hungry to learn, gain experience, and have a lot of fun with friends.
