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Just In Time

I didn't expect the first week to be quite like this.

My group of friends rotates the gamemaster role, and this Saturday is my turn, allowing me to test out the work I have done so far. 

At the beginning, I thought it would be months just writing the first draft; however, after a couple late nights and several days of editing before bed, the first draft is more than one third finished.

What I have done since last week on Thursday:
1. A few sentences which set-up the adventures
2. The first draft of the first one-page adventure
3. Abbreviated stats for the first adventure's creatures
4. Abbreviated stats for 4 pre-made player characters
5. A few concise suggestions throughout the document for playing in the setting as well as making the adventures themselves more interesting

I plan on continuing to give updates every Thursday night, with few exceptions, complete with everything I've done so far. Feel free to give criticism or use ideas from this for your home games, but remember to be classy.

Thanks for reading!

Work done so far...

Eaglake City: Chance, Liberty Square Tree, and The Duplicators

What this is:
This is an urban fantasy Open Legend RPG module set in the sprawling Eaglake City. Each of the three short stories will award the two to four 1st Level characters 1XP, meaning that by the end they will each be 2nd Level.

Why this is worth running:
This module is designed to have fun, clearly-marked content that can be quickly referenced in play, to prevent hiccups and prevent boring sessions.

What you need to use this:
You will need the free Open Legend rules, physical dice or virtual dice online (d4, d6, d8, d10, and d20).

Good luck, have fun!

*Narrative: Since the a violet shooting star was seen above the city of Eaglake, the metropolis has been permeated with rumors of otherworldly happenings. Elves, and other races, with amnesia sometimes appearing out of thin air; artefacts in the Carlton Museum exhibiting strange effects; mighty beings called Heroes granting powers to those who embody their ideals; and bizarre glamourous plants growing from unproductive soil. While nothing has been said on the news, it is assumed by the populace that at least a few of the rumors are true.

*GM’s Note: The fantastical stems from the mundane. Examples include a shy young teen who can play beautiful music now finds themselves liked by others for their attractiveness and skill in song, or a graveyard rumored to be haunted mysteriously sprouting humanoid masses of shambling vines.

Ground Rules
follows the normal rules according to Wealth Level; however, it is assumed that the player characters have a vehicle (treat as the All-Terrain-Vehicle).

*GM’s Note: I’d recommend that the ATV reskin has enough room for all the PCs and possibly an NPC or two. That way, they can pick up an ally but not be able to use their vehicle to store every possible item they can get their hands on.

Characters will probably all be human and possess no Extraordinary stats (Energy, Protection, etc.), but, if the GM allows, it can be fun for a few of them to be nonhuman or be able to wield fantasy powers.


The Adventure Hook(a) one of the PCs is buddies with an overworked police officer who deputizes that PC and asks them to check out the roof of the Grand Sphinx Library on 49th Street where, allegedly, a group of young people are loitering in the utility shed. (b) In Encounter 1, the Thrillseeker either invites the PCs to the Clubhouse, or they have a paper in their pocket with details of the clubhouse’s location or plans.
1. Thieves – anonymous, number of them equals 1 less than party size, alley, robbing passive Thrillseeker boy
2. Getting to The Clubhouse – dense city, rooftop (network of pipes/ladders/slopes/sheds/heating or cooling units), requires everyone to make 2 checks (examples: Might for jumping, Agility for dodging obstacles, Logic for planning route through obstacles, Perception for avoiding unexpected obstacles)
3. Chance’s AdventurersChance and two less friends than the number of party members, beat-up fridge (messy; strange sodas), beat-up sporting stuff (messy; skateboards, skates, etc.), posters (disorganized: ads for racing vehicles, fast-food, TV, etc.), buried utilities (breaker box, water valves, etc.)
Resolving the Encounter: The final encounter may deescalate if one or more of Chance’s “friends” decides to make a run for it, or it may escalate if a member returns with a story and/or snacks. The party might decide to join the group, leave them alone, report them to the cops, chase them off, and/or injure one or more members of the group, depending on the PCs choices and previous decisions.

*GM’s Note: Perhaps a large sphinx actually lives in or operates the library. Perhaps the presence of the miscreants actually prevents some nefarious force from using the breaker box to carry out a plot.

Chance ----- Toughness 10, Guard 20, Resolve 15, 20 Hit Points (no falling damage; once per day, being reduced to below 1 HP instead reduces you to 1 HP)
+2d6 Agility, +1d10 Might, +2d6 Presence (Bolster 2 Aura 4 boon)
Items: Unarmed (One-handed; Forceful, Precise, Swift properties; Stunned and Knockdown banes), Thick Leather Jacket (Light, 1 Armor)
Feats: Breakfall 2, Diehard
*Narrative: “You know what I haven’t done before? Rob a bank—without getting caught. What’s that bank on the corner of Fifty-seventh, the one with the annoying checkers who never smile?”

----- Toughness 10, Guard 16, Resolve 12, 6 Hit Points (halve falling damage)
+1d8 Agility (Demoralized 2 or Forced Move 2 banes versus target’s Guard), +1d8 Might, +1d6 Presence
Items: Unarmed (One-handed; Forceful, Precise, Swift properties; Stunned and Knockdown banes)
Feats: Breakfall
*Narrative: Chance is a popular guy with many “friends” who do anything from fix skateboards to parkour across buildings to run cons on the street.

Common Thief ----- Toughness 13, Guard 14, Resolve 10, 16 Hit Points
+1d6 Might
(use this for Persuasion if applicable), +1d8 Fortitude, +1d6 Agility
Items: Blade (One-handed, Close Ranged; Forceful, Precise, Swift; Persistent Damage, Disarmed), Revolver (Short Ranged; Precise; Persistent Damage, Slowed), stolen money (enough among the encounter’s thieves to bring 1 PC up by 1 Wealth Level)
Feats: Brutal Intimidation, Fast Draw

Liberty Square Tree
*Narrative: At the center of the Liberty Square is a huge tree whose branches overshadow where many families and future families gathered. But after the strange shooting starl, the tree awoke to have its roots constrained by the oppressively dense cement of the square it inhabited.


The Duplicators
*Narrative: Doctor Vanderbilt was a genius working in a ChicTech lab when the shooting star brought his modular robot to life. It clearly outmatched him and ordered him to be the face of the force of machines building a skyscraper to eventually dwarf all others in the city.


Sample Player Characters
Amelia Rose
----- Toughness 10, Guard 16, Resolve 14, 18 Hit Points
+2d6 Agility, +1d10 Presence, +2d6 Creation (Bolster 3 or Heal 5 are free for 1 target or at Advantage 2 for more than 1)
Revolver (Short Ranged, Precise property, Persistent Damage and Slowed banes), Silver Grapevine Lockett (Light, 1 Armor)
Feats: Boon Focus 1 on Bolster, Boon Focus 1 on Heal
*Narrative: Amelia, who loved to help others grow, became frustrated as she struggled to retain the knowledge of working on cars. How does she react when she meets the Hero who granted her power?

Nathaniel Dawes ----- Toughness 18, Guard 18, Resolve 18, 34 Hit Points
+1d10 Fortitude, +1d10 Might, +1d10 Will, +1d10 Presence
Sledge Hammer (Two-handed; Forceful and Heavy properties; Knockdown, Forced Move, and Stun banes), Kevlar Vest (Medium, Armor 2)
Feats: Armor Mastery 2 for Kevlar Vest
*Narrative: Nathaniel, outside his nine to five job, strove to train his physique without neglecting his family and friends. What if his relationships with loved ones and his physical ability couldn’t help him?

“Falcon” Shay ----- Toughness 10, Guard 16, Resolve 10, 10 Hit Points
+2d6 Agility (Advantage 2 if Sharp Pole damage attack), +1d10 Perception, +2d6 Movement
Steel Spear (Two-handed and Close Range; Forceful, Precise, and Reach properties; Persistent Damage, Disarmed, and Immobile banes), Thick Leather Jacket (Light, 1 Armor)
Feats: Attack Specialization 2 for Longspear
*Narrative: “Falcon” has a deep-seeded positive energy and need to be free. He runs, he fidgets, but he can’t sit still. How would he react if he thought somebody was limiting him?

Reina Diath ----- Toughness 14 (17 in Trance), Guard 11 (13 in Trance), Resolve 14 (17 in Trance), 18 Hit Points
(Advantage 1 on all damage attacks in Trance) +1d10 Will, +2d6 Entropy (Fear 5 inflicted for free if attack exceeds targets defense by 5 or more, Advantage 2 on Fear bane rolls), +2d6 Protection
Steel Spear (Two-handed and Close Range; Forceful, Precise, and Reach properties; Persistent Damage, Disarmed, and Immobile banes), Padded Armor (Light, 1 Armor)
Feats: Battle Trance (Fatigue bane level when ended, ends if 3 consecutive turns end without attacking or being attacked), Bane Focus on Fear
*Narrative: Reina is laser-focused on her goal of being the most respected person in the city; she is willing to help or hurt anyone she has to in order to achieve this. How far will she go?

*GM’s Note: If you decide not to use these characters, you should consider (1) changing the included skill checks that way each PC uses one of their stronger attributes, and there is one check that nobody is good at (2) finding, or asking each player to find, the strong reason their character is motivated to participate in the adventure.

*Narrative: In this setting, characters’ power is proportional to their renown; you might consider awarding XP exclusively for actions that get the characters’ names out there.
